
Showing posts from May, 2017

Top 10 Tips for Fluency in English

How To Speak Fluent English: Top 10 Tips Today’s lesson is important, because MANY students write to me and ask how they can become fluent – so here are my top 10 tips for speaking fluent English. 1) UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS NO “MAGIC BULLET.” That means there is NO secret and super-effective way to guarantee fluency very fast. Yes, there are different methods, and some are more effective than others. For example, a good English course should balance all the areas of language (speaking, listening, vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing). If any of those elements are missing, then you will have difficulty becoming fluent. Also,  different methods will appeal to different people.  I personally do very well with memorization; other people  hate  memorization. Some students can pick up English easily from informal conversations; other students prefer a more organized and structured method. Still, becoming fluent in English – or any language – is a  long-term process.  If a

Golden Rules(Principles) for Fluency in English

English can be a difficult language to learn, but it can be easy if you practice it a lot. This is " MD SAMSUDDIN " who will give you tips for learning English. Summary: Speak a little English every day and focus on your pronunciation. Consider attending an English class or discussion group. Listen to English on the radio or TV. Read and write in English as well. Train yourself to think in English. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.                                                         Part: 01                               Improving Your Spoken English Speak a little English every day:  The absolute best way to learn any new language is just to speak it. It doesn't matter if you only know five English words or if you're practically fluent -- speaking English with another person is the fastest, most effective method of improving. Don't wait until you "feel more comfortable" speaking in English -- you probably won&#

Five Steps For Learning fluent English

English grammar  is the way in which meanings are encoded into wordings in the  English language . This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, right up to the structure of whole texts. There are historical, social, cultural and regional variations of  English . Five Steps For  Learning fluent English  Step=  1@ Focus on Parts of Speech Step@2: Focus on Sentences     On the basis of Structure, there are three types of sentences as shown below  And on the basis of Purpose, there are five types of Sentences.These are           1)Assertive Sentence           2)Interrogative Sentence           3)Imperative Sentence           4)Optative Sentence           5)Exclatory Sentence Step@3:Learn The Phrases                                         Step@4: Learn Clause In  grammar , a  clause  is the smallest  grammatical  unit that can express a complete proposition. A typical  clause  consists of a subject and a predicate, the latt